Definition of an ERD Entity Relationship Diagram, or ER Diagram for short, is a diagram that shows the connections between entity groups that are kept in databases. To put it another way, ER diagrams assist in describing the rational organization of databases. Three fundamental ideas are used to make ER diagrams: things, characteristics, and connections (Peterson, 2022) RED related terms: ENTITY: An entity, which stores data in the database, can be a location, person, object, event, or concept. Entity characteristics must have a property and a distinctive key. Each "attribute" that makes up an entity serves to symbolize it. ATTRIBUTE: It is either a single-valued entity or relationship type attribute. RELATIONSHIP: The definition of a relationship is simply the association of two or more things. Tom, for instance, works in the Chemistry division. CARDINALITY: The definition of the word "cardinality" differs marginally in the context of databases, though. Cardinal...