Types of E-commerce Business

Types of E-commerce

An online retailer has a variety of options for how it will run its business, depending on its products, services, and structure. Here are a few of the most well-liked company models.

Business to Consumer (B2C):

The most common e-commerce strategy is business-to-consumer (B2C). When you purchase something from an internet retailer, for instance, it is described as being "business to consumer" sales. (Zande, 2023) 

Business to Business (B2B):

In business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce, a company sells a product or service to another company, such as a manufacturer and wholesaler or a wholesaler and a retailer. Business-to-business e-commerce typically includes goods like raw materials, software, or combined goods and isn't targeted at consumers. Through B2B e-commerce, manufacturers can also sell straight to retailers. (Zande, 2023)

Business to Government (B2G)

Business to government, also referred to as business-to-administration (B2A), is the exchange of products and services between the private sector and a government body. For the cleaning and upkeep of public places like parks, for instance, government agencies may place orders with external third-party contractors for products or services. (Zande, 2023)

Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

The sale of a product or service to another consumer is referred to as C2C e-commerce. Sites like eBay, Etsy, and Fivver facilitate direct purchases to consumers. (Zande, 2023)

Consumer to Business (C2B)

When a person sells their services or goods to a business entity, that transaction is known as consumer to business. C2B includes exposure-seeking influencers, photographers, consultants, freelance authors, etc. (Zande, 2023)

Consumer to Government (C2G):

Consumer to government, also known as consumer-to-administration (C2A), allows citizens to communicate their opinions or requests for information about public agencies directly to the government's administration or authorities. Examples include using a government website to pay your taxes or your electricity account. (Zande, 2023)


Zande, J.V. (2023) What is e-commerce in 2023? definition, benefits, examples, The Future of Commerce. Available at: https://www.the-future-of-commerce.com/2020/01/19/what-is-e-commerce-definition-examples/ (Accessed: March 5, 2023).


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